Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Live Session - WorldBridges and Skype

Screen grab from WorldBridges

Jeff and Dave lead us on a great live session last night in Worldbridges and Skype. So thanks to them.

We would love to read your comments about the session and for those who couldn´t make it, just click on this link http://webheadsinaction.org/baw2009-worldbridges-part1 to listen to the recording of the webcast. It includes audio, the ustream recording, and the chat log.

Who was there?

WorldBridges: Jeff Lebow, Dave Cormier, Lisa Durff, Matt Montagne

Co-ordinators and Moderators: Daf Gonzalez (Spain), Dennis Oliver (USA), Kat Urbaniak (Canada) Sharon Betts (USA).

Participants: Gina Webster (USA), Barb Sakamoto (Japan), Nour Eddine Laouni (Morocco), Mbarek Akaddar (Morocco), Larissa olwsova (USA), Monica Sales (Argentina), Virginia Cena (Argentina), Karen Siemens (Canada), Mary Pinto (Venezuela), Jose Rodriguez (USA).




Larissa Olesova said...

Jeff and Dave and all BaWers09, thank you for such a great live session. Everything was great. I was not too active to participate in discussions, but I was excited of being involved into our professional community. Isn't it amazing to talk to people all over the world? Technology makes difference and brings something really valuable to our life. I felt myself as if I found close friends who are also interested in using technologies in classrooms. Following two chats and live session with the voice was new to me but effective. Thank you again for great live session.

VirC said...

Although I felt a bit lost at the beginning of the session I felt more confident as it moved on and I was really excited since it was my first time using Skype in a phone call with so many people. I really liked the experience! I didn't join in the call, though, as I was trying to focus on so many things at the same time and didn't feel prepared. As Larissa said, it was great to handle all those tools at the same time! I will try to participate more actively next time because I realise how helpful that is. Thanks a lot for such a welcoming and nice environment to the presenters and those who participated in the call and the chats!!

Daf said...

I have been attending these sessions for years and I still feel butterflies in my stomach :-)

I was not able to speak this time because it was 1:00 am in Spain and I did not want to wake up the people around me ;-)

kat Urbaniak said...

Virgina, I am glad you had a good experience. With so many tools it takes a few goes to get comfortable, but I am happy you are so positive. :-)

Larissa, I agree! Technology is great at bringing together people from all over the world.


ligia said...

This session gave me a lot of explanations and a wonderful warm up to what it means using chat rooms, skype chat, shout casts, and other tools that we could actually use with our students or colleagues. They also showed us the advantages and disadvantages of using one tool or other. I really liked the idea of the community and collaborations webs, where professional teachers share their teaching experiences, their ideas, and how they solve the possible problems that arise through the process. I could not participate in the live session but, I listened to the taped version and really enjoyed it, now with the speaker's recommendations I am sure that next time I will attend a live session and it will surely be successful

webgina said...

It was an interesting session and great to put some of the "stuff" into practice (and work out some system kinks). This is my second time taking an EVO course like this and I learn a little bit more each time!
Thank you all who moderated, organized, and participated.

Dennis said...

Hi, everyone.

I also enjoyed this wonderful session. Like Dafne, I've participated in many of them, not only for the EVO BaW, but for other purposes as well.

Jeff and Dave did a splendid job of managing the technical intricacies (as usual) and also of keeping the live presentation both full of energy and engaging. Then there's Jeff's voice: so smooth and professional!

I can relate to the frustration that some had at the beginning of the session. Following all the steps— finding the entry point, entering, selecting an audio source, keeping up with the chat, and all the rest—can be very daunting. I guarantee that it will be 100% easier the next time, however.

In many past sessions, I've participated in the Skype conversation as well, but this time I chose not to. This is mostly because I'm a real "chatty Kathy," and even when I think I'm being brief, I still say too much and take up too much of the time that others could use.

I very much appreciate having this very useful resource available to us, and I appreciate the warm, welcoming atmosphere that Jeff and Dave (and José, too) provide.

I was a little disappointed to hear Jeff suggest that the Webcast Academy training sessions might be discontinued. Maybe, however, he only meant that they would be continued in a different format or on a different type of schedule.

I was pleased to hear that Jeff will be moving back to Korea. He did some outstanding things when he was there before, including webcasting events from KOTESOL conferences and several international conferences. I wish him all the best.

Kudos to all who worked together to make this live presentation possible!

Dennis in Phoenix

Anonymous said...

I've just listened to the recorded version of this session and I found it incredibly interesting and valuable. I can imagine my EFL learners involved in conversations with peers from long distance places, even native speakers. You know, for many people, speaking to a native speaker is something like proving that they really know the language. Many teachers organize meetings with English speaking professionals just for their teachers and students to have this opportunity. These tools pave the way to those who feel like doing so. Using, at least, a few of these tools, will really bring real life to our lessons, on-line or blended. Thank you very much for your effort, the session was dynamic and fun. Great experience for a newcomer in this field!!!

kat Urbaniak said...

Ligia, I like your positivity. I'm sure you have an enhanced experience next time.

Gina, this is my forth time at WIA. I might never leave! ;-)

Dennis, thanks for sharing. *hugs*

Christina, I glad to hear that you can see potential in these tools. I agree they really can bring life to our lessons.

Kat, in snowy Canada

Unknown said...

Great Virtual Session Jeff and Dave. Now that you introduced tools Worldbridges uses, I have to keep on learning more about this exciting experience.
Looking forward to being in Part II.
Maria Pinto

yasencion said...

I loved this session because it showed us tools to create more opportunities for students to communicate in the L2. I was thinking that even the more introvert students can participate through the chat and the more extrovert can venture into talking.